What is Orthodontics?

Orthodontics, as a branch of dentistry, deals with the correction and alignment of teeth, jaw bones and facial structure. This field, which focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental and jaw disorders, helps eliminate both aesthetic and functional problems. Orthodontic treatments can be applied to all age groups, starting from childhood.

Purpose and Importance of Orthodontics

Its main purpose is to align the teeth correctly and correct the jaw structure. This treatment process allows the person to use his teeth more effectively and improve chewing and speaking functions. Additionally, properly aligned teeth make it easier to maintain oral hygiene and help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

Functional Benefits

Aesthetic Benefits

From an aesthetic point of view, straight teeth and a harmonious jaw structure increase a person’s self-confidence and beautify their smile. Aesthetic concerns are an important source of motivation for individuals seeking orthodontic treatment. These treatments can positively affect a person’s social life and self-confidence.


Orthodontic Problems and Their Causes

Dental problems may be genetic or caused by environmental factors. The most common orthodontic problems include crooked teeth, lower or upper jaw narrowness, open bite, cross bite and improper contact of the teeth with each other.

Genetic factors play a major role in shaping the teeth and jaw structure. Individuals with orthodontic problems in the family are more likely to encounter similar problems. In addition, environmental factors such as the use of pacifiers or bottles during infancy, thumb sucking habits and improper swallowing may also lead to deterioration of the teeth and jaw structure.

Orthodontic Treatment Methods

One of the most common methods used in orthodontic treatments is braces. Dental braces consist of brackets glued on the teeth and wires connecting these brackets together. Although metal brackets are the most commonly used type, transparent or ceramic brackets may also be preferred due to aesthetic concerns.

Clear aligners, known as Invisalign, are becoming increasingly popular in orthodontic treatments. These aligners are made of clear materials that fit over the teeth and are virtually invisible. Invisalign is an effective method for treating mild to moderate problems.

Other methods used to correct the jaw structure include functional appliances and jaw expanders. These appliances allow the jaw to grow and develop in the correct position. Jaw expanders help align teeth properly by widening the narrow jaw.

Orthodontic Treatment Process

This treatment usually consists of several stages. In the first stage, the dentist examines the patient’s teeth and jaw structure in detail. During this examination, a detailed diagnosis is made using x-rays, photographs and dental molds. A treatment plan is then created based on the patient’s needs.

The length of the treatment process varies depending on the severity of the patient’s problems and the treatment method. Braces are generally used for a period of 18-24 months. During this period, the patient must visit the dentist regularly and have the braces adjusted.

If transparent plates are used, the patient must change the plates at regular intervals. Each new aligner aligns the teeth a little more. The treatment period may be shorter if the aligners are used regularly and the doctor’s instructions are followed.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Orthodontic Treatment

This treatment has many advantages. Having aesthetically correct teeth beautifies a person’s smile and increases self-confidence. Additionally, properly aligned teeth improve chewing and speaking functions. Straightening the teeth and jaw structure helps prevent tooth decay and gum diseases.

However, this treatment also has some disadvantages. The treatment period is usually long and requires patience and regular care from the patient. Braces may cause discomfort and pain initially. Additionally, due to aesthetic concerns, some patients may be uncomfortable with the appearance of metal brackets. In this case, transparent or ceramic brackets may be preferred.

Orthodontic Prices

The methods used in orthodontic treatment directly affect the cost of treatment. Braces, one of the most common treatment methods, can be made of different materials. While metal braces are generally a more cost-effective option, ceramic or clear braces may be preferred for patients with aesthetic concerns and may cost more.

Clear aligners, known as Invisalign, have gained popularity in recent years because they are invisible. These aligners are produced specifically for the patient’s teeth and are used to treat mild to moderate orthodontic problems. Clear aligners are generally known as a more costly option than traditional braces.




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GİS Dental: Expert Orthodontic Services to Regulate Your Smile

As GİS Dental, we offer expert orthodontic services to help you have a healthy and regular smile in Ataşehir İçerenköy District. With our experienced orthodontic team and modern facilities, we help you cope with dental irregularities and help you achieve a healthy oral structure.

Why Orthodontics?

Orthodontic treatment covers an area that requires expertise to correct tooth and jaw irregularities. A smooth tooth structure is important for chewing function and general oral health, in addition to an aesthetic smile. Orthodontic treatment can help you achieve these goals.

Orthodontic Services at GİS Dental

  • Invisible Wire Brackets: Invisible wire applications with transparent or colorless bracket options to reduce aesthetic concerns.
  • Invisalign Treatment: A modern and comfortable method to correct irregular teeth with clear, removable aligners.
  • Traditional Wire Brackets: Effective and reliable teeth correction with classic wire bracket applications.
  • Step into a Healthy and Regular Smile with GİS Dental

    • With our experienced orthodontic specialists, we create treatment plans that suit the needs of each patient.
    • We offer a comfortable and effective treatment process using up-to-date technology and materials.
    • The satisfaction and comfort of our patients is important to us.
    GİS Dental in Ataşehir İçerenköy District offers expert orthodontic services for those who want to have a regular smile. Contact us now to achieve a healthy oral structure.
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